

2019 Amway River Bank Run 25K

I wasn't quite sure how the race was going to go. A lot of my training runs lately have been a struggle. Even holding my goal pace (5:30/mile) has proven to be extremely challenging for just one or two miles let alone 15.5.

When deciding how I was going to run the race, I wanted to look back and see how I did last time I ran the 25k in 2017. I always keep a detailed log of my swim/bike/runs, how I feel during them, and my paces. Not just so I can share them with you, but so I can look back and see what worked and what didn’t.

Triathlon, Racing

2017 USA Triathlon National Championships

Back in Omaha for the USA Triathlon Age Group National Championships. This triathlon season has been anything but smooth. If you missed what’s happened so far, take a look back at my GR Triathlon and Tri del Sol races. Then, take a look at my post on being consistent. If you want the shortened version, I was 5 and 7 minutes slower than I was last year at those races. Part of the reason I think I've been slower is that I’ve been traveling a lot working with a sports nutrition company and been unable to get any solid training or resting in. The other part? Keep reading and you’ll find out 😉

Travel, Racing, Life

ACSM- Denver

In between adventures with my dad and friends was the real reason I made the trip to Colorado in the first place: the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting. While the meetings and presentations are exciting for me, they don't make great reading material for you! :P So I'll get to the really important stuff...cinnamon rolls and running!

Racing, Travel, Family

2017 Boston Marathon

Well, I made it back to Boston to try and earn some redemption from my race last year. For those of you who want to know how last year's race went, click here. The ultra-short version, I had my worst marathon ever, missed my goal time by 25 minutes, and was defeated by the beast of Boston.

But this year would be different. This year I would redeem myself…or would I?

Family, Racing, Triathlon

The Aftermath of the USA Triathlon Age Group National Championship

The finish: Across the line, into the med tent, and providing a "sample"

Immediately upon finishing, I grabbed the nearest volunteer and told them I needed help. Like I said, I gave everything I had and couldn't even hold myself upright. I knew I had crossed the finish line in first place, but it didn't really sink in that I won my age group for a little bit. Let me explain.