Every Man Jack

Triathlon, Racing

2019 Grand Rapids Triathlon 70.3

Yes, you read that right. I did a 70.3! I’ve actually done 2 in the past but the first one was 5ish years ago when I first started competing in triathlon and had no idea what I was doing. The second one was in 2017 just one week after the USA Triathlon National Championships and I had done almost no specific training for the 70.3 (i.e., my longest run was 11 miles 3 months before the race and my longest ride *might* have been 50 miles). I wanted to give the 70.3 distance a fair shot before I decided if I liked it or not.

Racing, Triathlon

2019 Duathlon National Championships- Day 1

When I mapped out my race schedule at the beginning of the year, I wasn’t planning on going back to South Carolina to do the DU. I started a new job and have some other early season goals, so taking 5 days off to go race didn’t seem feasible. But after moving some things around at work and with the help of USA Triathlon, I was able to make the trip.

Triathlon, Travel, Racing

2018 ITU Gold Coast World Championships

Yikes! It’s been about 10 months since my last entry. In fairness to myself, I’ve been working like crazy finishing a more important writing project - my dissertation! Since my last entry, I successfully completed my 150 page, 40,000 word dissertation and graduated with my Ph.D in Exercise Physiology. So yes, I’m a doctor…but not the kind who helps people haha.

But enough about that boring stuff! I know you’re here for the triathlon/cinnamon roll stuff 😅

A couple of weeks ago, I got the opportunity to take a trip to Australia for the ITU Triathlon Age Group World Championships. The trip was a bit of a last minute decision for me…I didn’t even have a flight or hotel booked until about one week before I left! Thankfully, USA Triathlon was able to get me registered at the eleventh hour.

Triathlon, Racing

MiTi 70.3- This may not have been my smartest idea...

For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to do a half-ironman (1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike, and 13.1-mile run) just one week after the USA Triathlon Age Group National Championship. I didn't realize just how little long course training I had done until I looked after the race. The last time I ran 13 miles was back in May and I've only ever ridden 56+ miles 6 times in my life! I mean, sure, I was in decent shape to get me through the 70.3 miles (or 71.8 with a long bike course and a mishap on the run...but you'll have to keep reading to hear about that 🙃), but had no idea how I would fare against the rest of the competition.

Triathlon, Travel, Life

Consistency is key

Well, three triathlons down, one 5th place and two 2nd place overall finishes. Not really what I had in mind for the beginning of my triathlon season. Some people might see this as pretty good, but I went slower this year in both the 2nd place races than I did last year (5 and 8 minutes, respectively).