I wrote this in 2013 after I had an encounter with an enraged motorist. My old website was deleted and I lost the blog. Fortunately, I found a backup in an old Garmin workout where I always write down how I feel and what happened after the workout.
Tom at Every Man Jack Triathlon Team Camp in 2018
Photo: Talbot Cox
This is particularly important because last week, Thursday, December 10th, 2020, my friend and Every Man Jack Triathlon teammate, Tom Trauger, was one of five cyclists killed by a box truck while out riding their bikes just outside Las Vegas. I've been trying to process what has happened the last few days and am at a loss for words. I'm heartbroken and numb. This should not happen. I urge you, please please PLEASE be safe while driving. Don’t text and drive. I know I’m guilty of it sometimes, but I am going to make a concerted effort to stop doing this. Also, wait to pass a cyclist or runner until you have a clear path. If you don't have a clear path, please wait 30 seconds or heaven forbid an entire minute. Our lives are worth more than that. Tom's life was worth more than that.
AND I wrote this blog 5 years ago to show how this is not a one-off experience we as cyclists (and runners) face every time we go outside.
So, without further adieu, please read on to see what it’s like for cyclists on the road.
Well this was an interesting ride so just sit back and let me tell you about it! Less than one mile in as I was riding past the golf course on Chandler Road, there was a car that passed me and honked when they were right next to me; it was just a quick honk so I didn't know if they thought they knew me or if they were upset. I didn't have to wait long to find out because they had stopped at the intersection of Chandler and Hawk's Hollow Drive and as I rode passed the vehicle he yelled some F*** you statement at me.
So what do I do? I immediately turned around and asked him what I did wrong of course! He started going off about how "You know what you did wrong." and "All you bikers are the same." 1. We are cyclists, not bikers. Just like you are a motorist not a car-er 2. I did nothing wrong and I informed him thusly. I told him that as a cyclist I have the same right to the road as he did. I then asked to talk with him about what I did wrong and he said, "I don't want to talk about it" and drove away. So of course I'm going to follow him.
I followed him to his house about half a mile away and he pulled his car into his driveway. He started to say something out of his car and I said, "Sir I just want to ask you what I did wrong." And, before pulling into the garage, he got out of his car and said "I know one thing is that you can't come on to my property" I said, "Sir, you are 100% right so I'm just going to stand here in the road if that's okay with you." He then went on to say more things about how I shouldn't have been on the road and that I should find a better place to ride. He then said something about how I was going to end up on the side of the road and then how would I like that? I again informed him that I was well within my rights to be on the road, riding right on the white line, and that if he wanted to pass me he could slow down for 10 seconds while the other cars passed before he passed me.
His demeanor changed as the conversation kept going and he apologized because he was “having a bad day” and that he appreciated me trying to talk to him about this, but then came back with “I have my opinion and you have yours and that isn’t going to change.” I told him sorry he was having a bad day and that I hoped it got better and continued on my ride. I’m just really glad he didn’t pull out a gun from his garage and use that to scare me off!
I ended up going out 15 miles and stopping at my turnaround point and texted my good buddy and policeman, Jason Northrop, asking him for the law on cyclists and having a right to the road. And guess what gentleman who was being an, excuse my language and kids cover your eyes, ass? It’s not an opinion, IT’S A LAW! Here take a peek: MVC Section 257.657 states: "Each person riding a bicycle...upon a roadway has all of the rights and is subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this chapter..." (Thanks to Jason for this info.)
I got to ride in peace for most of the remainder of the ride and passed Jake Pratt on my way back. I caught up to another cyclist, Matt a faculty member in Epidemiology (he knows Lanay) and we rode together for basically the rest of my ride. We talked about my triathlon season and his work and my education. We had a few cars pass us and honk/yell/give us dirty looks and they just don’t get it.
Ignorance is not an excuse people…know the law! Here is the full document that Jason sent me. http://www.michigan.gov/documents/msp/TrafficSafetySummit2013_Compatibility_Mode_416948_7.pdf.
Also, I want to say sorry for literally taking up a width of 2 feet on the road because your 7 foot wide car doesn't have enough room! heavy sarcasm